The name's Je-Anne Psyche. Born on the 1st day of December. She dreams big and she believes that age is just a number. In this blog, the bits and pieces of a wonderful lady's messy thoughts are scattered. This girl has a fetish for stars, hearts, tiaras and anything that roars and sparkles. She constantly makes mistakes and loves every bit of her flaws. A girl who plays too much and works hard to fill each day with pure happiness and optimism while wearing that stoic expression on her face. She's childish yet sophisticated, immature but dedicated, fierce with gentleness and way too full of imperfections. It may take you a hundred years of effort just to understand this kind of woman but with great patience and determination, she might give you the whole world. ♥
Even though the day went so wrong, I wouldn't change a thing.
I was doing my usual random-song-clicking-and-listening in YouTube and yes, I found this treasure just today at 10pm. Sue me for not watching Confessions of a Shopaholic before. ~.~ Anyway, I'm not sure who's the original artist of this lovely song but Bruno and Natasha's voice blends so perfectly that I can feel the emotions pierce through my heart and I just can't help but tear up. I'm supposed to be immune with this kind of music but this one triggered my emotional hormones once again and now I'm back in the melancholy of reminiscing my past misadventures in life. I don't like how it makes me feel but I just can't stop listening. Screw the irony.
Have you ever met that special someone who smiled and swept your feet away during the worst times of your life? The days where you would rather stay home and lock yourself up eating gallons of ice cream while watching a movie than go out and feel like the unluckiest girl living on this planet cause when you finally decided to get out of your comfort zone, everything just goes madly wrong and you're starting to think that fate has some grudges on you. You're thinking of giving up cause nothing ever came the way you wanted it to be. Until you met him.
He gave you the reason to smile on a gloomy day and be hopeful with whatever may come your way. He lightened up your world and made you see the beauty in life. You're not the same girl anymore cause you have found love. Then you realized that putting up with all the misfortunes has finally paid off. Now he's here and you have no regrets cause it led you to his arms. You finally believed that everything happens for a reason and if ever something goes wrong, you're willing to take chances and go through every little thing again if it means just being with him.